Hand portable fire extinguisher operation image, courtesy of Ansul
A Fire Extinguisher can keep crisis from turning into calamity. If you know where it is. If you know how to use it. If it’s the right extinguisher for the fire and if it works.
Fire Extinguishers are a major – and important – part of Fire Safety Sales Company’s role in fire protection for our community.
Our team will help you identify the right class and type of fire extinguishers for your business conditions.We will ensure that your fire extinguishers and their placement comply with Fire Codes. And we will make sure training for how to correctly use your equipment is available to your team.REQUEST MORE INFO
Fire Safety will routinely inspect and service your fire extinguishers, keeping them Code compliant, year after year.
If your machine shop, lab or factory works with metals like magnesium, sodium, titanium or potassium alloys, you need Class D fire suppression on hand.
Combustible metals and metal alloys including magnesium, zirconium and sodium-potassium alloys are often present in machine shops and factory processes. They can ignite and when they do, the resulting Class D Fire is extremely hot and water only make them burn hotter.
Class D Fire Extinguishers use a dry-powder
fire suppression agent to smother Class D fires.